Custom Configuration Pattern 101

So if you’ve even needed to store custom data in your App.config or Web.config files before – you’ve probably used the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings for name/value pair data – but what if you have more complex settings that you want to store in the config files?

Such as…

<Certificate findValue="7776F8E373CF19EEEC88293031893B8D985792F8" 

What do we do?  We extend .NET’s System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection of course… 🙂

First, let’s create the ever popular console test application.

Open Visual Studio –> “File” –> “New” –> “Project”.  Choose “Console Application” and name it “CustomConfigurationPattern”.

Right click on the “Solution” and click “Add” –> “New Project” –> choose “Class Library” and name it “ConfigurationLoader”.

imageNow add the “System.Configuration” reference to both projects.




Now in the “ConfigurationLoader” project –> “Add” –> ‘New Class…” and name it “CertificateConfigurationSingle” – the code is as follows:

   1:  using System.Configuration;
   3:  namespace ConfigurationLoader
   4:  {
   5:      /// <summary>
   6:      /// Used for loading values from the following configuration xml
   7:      ///  <certificate 
   8:      ///    findValue="7776F8E373CF19EEEC88293031893B8D985792F8" 
   9:      ///    storeLocation="LocalMachine" 
  10:      ///    storeName="TrustedPeople" 
  11:      ///    x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" />
  12:      /// </summary>
  13:      public class CertificateConfigurationSingle : ConfigurationSection
  14:      {
  15:          #region Fields
  17:          private const string _sectionNameXml = "Certificate";
  18:          private const string _findValueXml = "findValue";
  19:          private const string _storeLocationXml = "storeLocation";
  20:          private const string _storeNameXml = "storeName";
  21:          private const string _x509FindTypeXml = "x509FindType";
  23:          #endregion
  25:          #region Properties
  27:          /// <summary>
  28:          /// Gets the settings.
  29:          /// </summary>
  30:          /// <value>
  31:          /// The settings.
  32:          /// </value>
  33:          public static CertificateConfigurationSingle Settings
  34:          {
  35:              get
  36:              {
  37:                  return (CertificateConfigurationSingle)
  38:                      ConfigurationManager.GetSection(_sectionNameXml);
  39:              }
  40:          }
  42:          /// <summary>
  43:          /// Gets or sets the find value.
  44:          /// </summary>
  45:          [ConfigurationProperty(_findValueXml)]
  46:          public string FindValue
  47:          {
  48:              get { return (string)this[_findValueXml]; }
  49:              set { this[_findValueXml] = value; }
  50:          }
  52:          /// <summary>
  53:          /// Gets or sets the store location.
  54:          /// </summary>
  55:          [ConfigurationProperty(_storeLocationXml)]
  56:          public string StoreLocation
  57:          {
  58:              get { return (string)this[_storeLocationXml]; }
  59:              set { this[_storeLocationXml] = value; }
  60:          }
  62:          /// <summary>
  63:          /// Gets or sets the name of the store.
  64:          /// </summary>
  65:          [ConfigurationProperty(_storeNameXml)]
  66:          public string StoreName
  67:          {
  68:              get { return (string)this[_storeNameXml]; }
  69:              set { this[_storeNameXml] = value; }
  70:          }
  72:          /// <summary>
  73:          /// Gets or sets the type of the X509 find.
  74:          /// </summary>
  75:          [ConfigurationProperty(_x509FindTypeXml)]
  76:          public string X509FindType
  77:          {
  78:              get { return (string)this[_x509FindTypeXml]; }
  79:              set { this[_x509FindTypeXml] = value; }
  80:          }
  82:          #endregion
  83:      }
  84:  }

Next – we need to add a little more to our App.config – we need to specifically add the <configSections> xml – in which we need to have the “name” match the root xml element, in this case it’s our “<Certificate …” tag.  Then we need the “type” to match our fully qualified class name, followed by the assembly name.  Our full App.config should look like this…

   1:  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
   2:  <configuration>
   3:    <configSections>
   4:      <section name="Certificate" type="ConfigurationLoader.CertificateConfigurationSingle, ConfigurationLoader"/>
   5:    </configSections>
   7:  <Certificate findValue="7776F8E373CF19EEEC88293031893B8D985792F8" 
   8:                storeLocation="LocalMachine" 
   9:                storeName="TrustedPeople" 
  10:                x509FindType="FindByThumbprint"/>
  12:  </configuration>


So looking at the code from our “CertificateConfigurationSingle” class – we first see that our class is derived from the System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection.

public class CertificateConfigurationSingle : ConfigurationSection

Next, starting on line 33 the code uses the ConfigurationManager.GetSection() method with the “SectionName” variable matching the “Certificate” tag in the App.config file’s <configSections>.  If something is incorrect in your App.config – this is where an exception will be thrown.

public static CertificateConfigurationSingle Settings
        return (CertificateConfigurationSingle)

Then all that is left to do is to expose the matching properties, such as for “FindValue” – in the following format.  Note, the [ConfigurationProperty()] attribute needs to have the corresponding xml tag associated ( I pass them in as a “private const string”s as I hate “magic” strings – and having it once as a “const string” will prevent typos )

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the find value.
/// </summary>
public string FindValue
    get { return (string)this[_findValueXml]; }
    set { this[_findValueXml] = value; }

Now that we have that done – all we need is to call it from our console app as follows…

   1:  using System;
   2:  using ConfigurationLoader;
   4:  namespace CustomConfigurationPattern
   5:  {
   6:      class Program
   7:      {
   8:          static void Main()
   9:          {
  10:              //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  11:              // Load a single element certificate
  12:              //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  13:              Console.WriteLine(CertificateConfigurationSingle.Settings.FindValue);
  14:              Console.WriteLine(CertificateConfigurationSingle.Settings.StoreLocation);
  15:              Console.WriteLine(CertificateConfigurationSingle.Settings.StoreName);
  16:              Console.WriteLine(CertificateConfigurationSingle.Settings.X509FindType);
  17:              Console.WriteLine("----------------------");
  19:              Console.ReadLine();
  20:          }
  21:      }
  22:  }

Now when we run it – we get awesome sauce!

In “Custom Configuration Pattern 102” – we will take this further and look at parsing even more complex nested custom configuration items such as…

<CertificateSection authenticationMode="Test">
    <add certificateType="cipherCertificate" 
    <add certificateType="serviceCertificate" 

Good coding!


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